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Structural Editing

Structural editing is the most intense, longest and always the first editing stage. It looks at the overall big picture of your story. It considers things like plot, subplot, characters, tense, dialogue and whether your message is portrayed accurately for your intended audience. Structural editing will also look at the order, flow and consistency of the story to make sure all aspects click and make the book enjoyable as well as readable.

Line Editing

Line editing literally only focuses on sentences. It analyses each sentence for word choice, the power behind the sentence and if the meaning of said sentence comes across clearly. Line editing takes into consideration the arrangement of words to create well-formed sentences and decided if it needs trimming or adding. It also checks punctuation, spelling, grammar, formatting and length.


Proofreading is the final stage of the editing progress after all other editing has been finalised and before it goes it publishing. It only focuses on spelling and grammar, as well as punctuation and consistency, which the previous edits may have missed.

For more information on pricing, please contact me via the contact page or email me at

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