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The Humble Quill
Casey Luxford
Catching Common Creative Mistakes
One thing I have noticed, being a writer as well as an editor, is that many writers questioning themselves and asking if what they have...
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Casey Luxford
Catchy Characters
Creating realistic characters your readers can connect with is crucial for getting your book to work. Getting those characters to that...
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Casey Luxford
Inspiring Greatness
Every writer needs inspiration and no matter how easy some people make it seem, some days, the muse just isn’t there. Instead of beating...
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Casey Luxford
Show Me, Don't Tell Me
Imagination is a wondrous thing. It can send us to faraway lands in a blink of an eye, help us see the beauty within and have a good...
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Casey Luxford
Oodles and Oodles of Fiction Genres
Genre fiction or ‘popular’ fiction is plot-driven, fictional writings where writers aim to fit into a specific genre and appeal to the...
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Casey Luxford
Alpha, Beta, Gamma … oh my!
Most of you would have heard about a beta reader - someone who is the first person to read your story after briefly editing yourself -...
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Casey Luxford
Editors and What We Do
An editor’s job is to help the writer find things that they might have missed as well as help refine and sharpen the overall written...
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